Can You Re-Pierce A Rejected Piercing? Is It SAFE?

what's up guys and welcome my name is Audra this right here is real female who's Barbies hope he has amazing great day we're pumped up except for the brand-new video before begin make sure to subscribe to us posting occasions my in the bell icon below and of course leave a comment let us never post vacations on because today's post live.

  occasion comes from Belfast Northern Ireland new sub eared north key Sean's for Claire bear 80 much for subscribe and yo let's get started with today's video alright ladies and gentlemen we are doing a dermal piercings please they're going over eight it's a double dermal.

 so our cleaning and marking as you see well I'm going directly on that mark yeah what's going on there so this it was a dermal punch will biopsy punch that basically didn't push itself out or did you pull it out okay I pulled they got torn out they got torn out so there you go soon how the hafstrom then that happened week ago.

 oh you after getting it no it's been like a year okay okay yeah so it just like force itself out on your honor I got ripped oh yeah that's all I like it mid forces swing out punch so right now I'm gonna do is just turn you around and then let you back to get the cool thing about this is we're using needles.

  yes we are using a needle to open up that area and don't worry everyone there's in a glove changing here yes so basically the way that I'm gonna go in now is this way in this way instead of this way okay tradition and I'll go that way but it's more so that the skins already gone right here I need like level skin okay.

 are you talking about crooked skins I got a crater right there or should I got you're saying our pores now not yeah these holes they are meant to actually bind the skin and in between the the jewelry itself so that being said as soon as I pop it through the tissues going to start forming into the hole and kind of wrap itself around it like a grip and that's why it's called a dermal anchor because it's getting anchored down by your skin.

 okay yeah another hey Joe good discussion things on the bed today and the stimuli about these okay trying to wade or you can see on the only to be watcher but I get you yeah it's like it's nice to try and watch the huh saying right there are 2 sonics memorizing for definitely yep it's no worse than a tattoo tasty bread water.

  so now I just need that area to clock good to go okay yeah buddy pain level I'll attempt some Demerol fine 5 out of 10 yeah also been pinched like a pinch right the needle goes all the way through then I'll say it probably hit though this is the tip so right now what I'm doing is quitting trying to put equal pressure on each side just so the jury can sit a little bit Kampala if you have a derma and white Sal Gladys see or take the last time asked is questioning a lot people saying well I'll have it on their chest by the way a lot of girls come and see never on their chest.

 we're doing a conscious Julie installation we're going with the before we look which is what you guys see right now all right at the final shot we got that cluster in the beautiful sprawl C cluster let me change the look G beautiful growth will hinge really working mind if you have one here you can add like a double here or you can add like one two three like three by itself over here to four in a box honor you could play with it.

 because you have plenty of space to look yeah you what we're gonna be using is really really tiny gem so they're gonna be really dainty anyway so we're something really basic here or the same and they go like one two three four like that you can use this or you can just do something completely separate you could yeah there's League or hoops and you could put other stuff too like that okay why don't you do anything on the helixes all this all this opening right here make a Benjamin.

 I'm you could do like a rings I got you can do a double ring here and you can do three gems here or you can do three gems here and a double ring here I maybe do a lot whenever you're ready we'll come up with some punch ideas and all right we're doing a single Oh piercing with a beautiful black tank and then we got some coming up next from what I hear in the background look at that beautiful paint level I have it in fine wine on attending the cool thing about those is their jewelry they said back will quicken for the folks at home.

  when I'm talking about well here's a difference we did a video about this jail one of the jewelry is like a little butterfly backing the loans flat we did a flat options was way more comfortable yes do y'all fit we got this beautiful 14 karat gold flower with the opals for a jewelry insulation and a very beautiful choice as you can see it's two-piece option and there's a little pin in the back of the flower which means it's thread list they click into the post has Gabe Rochelle demonstrates when you guys oh yeah snap in snap on there we go here we have it as a final result and you get a quick jump shot of that .

Wow weights Barry right there beautiful it's good I'm afraid right now and then we can look at the back nice and flat comfortable so it's not gonna poke her sugar here being a lot of compliments on that one thank you or you just tell him to go to the little party jucama I'm saying if you guys want that we have it online we're doing that day's piercing with that beautiful rose gold opal big bead green having our subscriber in the building say came way from state your name and way your whole that's why I think of hey it's cuz you're from like the eat the west side well ice live in Montebello that's a lot here amount of Bali what are your fool I need it a lot of the pressure right yeah pressure makes diamonds alrighty she's done are you feeling right now no you know no I don't know it's not as bad as thing after when I got my conch.

 my conch I was sitting there like oh this isn't as bad a little while but empathy hmm 203 because I was just more pressure a 2 out of 10 is what I heard even that Dave Bravo fantastic .


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